Why don’t we test meditation to escape captivity?

Beauty and well-being

Meditation is not an easy exercise, but in these stressful and cramped times, it can be a way to calm down.

The Belgians have now been locked up for seven weeks because of the Covid 19 pandemic. Seven weeks. That is, almost as long as all summer holidays. When you look at it like this, it is understandable that some people find that this containment will last forever. But to approach it a little quieter, avoid bubbling and our anger exploding, why not start meditating?

Meditation, for whom?

For parents who take care of their children, who are locked up at home 24 hours a day while they continue to work remotely, for single people who have only seen the same person they will run with twice a week, for couples who are starting to be put to the test, or for the roommates who are slowly starting to hit the system, it’s time to hit the system. that it ends. And that will soon be the case. The first phase of the de-conference began on Monday. For all those who are beginning to find a long time and who find it increasingly difficult to approach this pandemic without fear.

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More and more people are taking this inner journey. So much so that on the Petit Bambou app, the star in autonomous consumer meditation, inscriptions have exploded since the beginning of captivity. “This shows the thirst for resilience, but also a need for community”, says co-founder Benjamin Blasco The World.

According to an investigation by the public institution Sciensano a sample of 44,000 people, « Anxiety disorders (20%) Have since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, a sharp increase compared to the results of the 2018 health survey (11%) ». Given the changes in our plans, the abortion of our plans for the coming months, the uncertainty of the situation and the real risks to our health and those of our loved ones, we are lost and destitful. Not to mention that captivity with him has brought its share of social distance and segregated ties. Humans are sociable animals. All of this is an explosive cocktail for our mental health and wellbeing. In search of a form of appeasement, the population is slowly turning to what is at hand: sports or meditation treatments, short and easily accessible exercises at home.

And for what?

In an interview CQFD RtbfULB psychology doctor Ilios Kotsou says studies have shown that meditation can reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone, by up to 51%. On France 3, Emmanuel Faure, MBSR (Reduction of Stress Based on Mindfulness) in Lille, explains the effects that short mindfulness meditation sessions (about ten minutes per day) may have had on a hundred people tested in Wuhan during their containment period. “We finally realize that there is a difference in the fear or quality of sleep between people who practice meditation and those who don’t.”, he reports.

Read also – Why Meditation Is Not Safe

Certainly meditation will have no effect on containment. However, it could enable us to anchor ourselves more than ever in reality. Thanks to mindfulness, we are able to analyze each other, understand our emotions and reactions. “Meditation will reveal my stress, my anger or why not my hatred. I can then question this automatic response. I become aware of the situation and the feelings that normally enliven me when I meditate regularly. This attention to yourself and this awareness makes you clearer, allow you to react more than to react and thus change your behavior.”explains Emmanuel Faure.

Promises to relieve stress, take better care and take a step back to what is happening to us. It’s time to test this exercise, even if it’s only a few minutes a day.