Sweating in summer: Which deodorant suits you best? | Right away

Some people suffer from it every day, others especially in summer: sweating. From the antiperspian to the natural deodorant: what are the possibilities, how do they work and how friendly are they for your skin?

The word deodorant already reveals it: A de-odorant (Latin) is a de-scenter. “A deodorant does not prevent sweating, but fights the bacteria on the skin that cause the sweat smell,” says Jetske Ultee, a research physician in cosmetic dermatology. “A deodorant obscures this smell. There’s a lot of alcohol in there and a lot of scents.”

Sweat is basically odourless, says dermatologist Menno Gaastra. “The longer the sweat sits, the more bacteria become active on it. That’s why old sweats smell the dirtiest, like in clothes.”

An antiperspirant or antiperspirant stops sweat production by blocking the sweat glands. “This is done by metal salts such as aluminum salt, which are in these antiperspirants,” says the researcher. “Some products are both a deodorant and an antiperspian.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re rolling or sweating, she says. “The effectiveness depends on the ingredients used. Whether you choose a roller or a spray depends on your own preferences.”

Not harmful, possibly irritation

There is nothing in deodorants or antiperspirants that is harmful to the skin, says Gaastra. However, the armpit can be irritated by the perfume and preservatives in both products and the aluminium salts in the antitranspirant.

“Especially with parabens and isothiazolinones, you can start to react,” says the dermatologist. “These preservatives are also found in many other care products. If we get too much contact with it, it can cause irritation, such as red skin and itching. You can develop an allergy to it.”

“Someone who sweats a lot doesn’t have enough of a deodorant.”

Menno Gaastra, dermatologist

Aluminum salts in antiperspirants have a bad name, but according to Gaastra this is not justified. “The skin dries out a bit, but not too much. The aluminium salts are just enough to make sweating bearable. It can cause irritation in some cases, but otherwise the aluminium is not harmful to you.”

The fact that an antiperspirant clogs the sweat glands is also not bad, according to the dermatologist. ‘It’s not like you want to hide it. Welding production will continue at some point and the layer will be gone.”

Deodorants contain alcohol and many scents. (Photo: Pro Shots)

Natural deodorants can also irritate

In addition to chemical deodorants in Kekke colours, there are also natural variants on the shelf. What are these deodorants?

“There are often no parabens, preservatives and aluminium in it,” says Gaastra. “This does not mean that natural deodorants cannot be irritated. Flower extracts are often added for the smell. They can also react to it or develop an allergy to it.”

Some people make their own deodorant. Those who want to do so should pay attention to irritations caused by strong extracts and the consumption of alcohol, says Gaastra. “Pure alcohol can dry out and irritate the skin.”

What is a good choice now? “If you sweat a lot, you don’t have enough of a deodorant,” says the dermatologist. “If you want to reduce the risk of irritation, it is best to choose a fragrant deodorant.”