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Stay Home & wear a Kaftan | Advertising

When I saw the candle’s name, I laughed out loud. I mean, who doesn’t know this thought?! At least sooner, when there were still meetings. Hahaha, very funny. Not. Seriously, I also have no idea how and when it will stay. Right now I only know: Olive is my favorite color. So when I saw the caftan, it happened all around me. The enthusiasm was even greater when the good piece actually arrived at me. The designer Stefanie Pietsch wraps her collection with so much passion that you feel like unpacking at Christmas like a child.

The caftan dresses are inspired by nature, travel to the sea and female beauty in all its facets.

The material (Tencel) distinguishes a valuable heavite, which drops the fabric like a cast over the body. There is also a laundry instruction, even touched olive detergent and a drawing of the Ammersee, where Stefanie lives. Even if the world stands still and many fashion designers fear for their existence, I am convinced that in the future all products and their packaging will have to bear the unmistakable signature of their designer. With Stefanie, even the tape around the package is thought through and fits the look of her brand. Really great!

1. Zodiac chain for earth signs: Maximova Maximova, 2. Blush Stick by Chanel Les Beiges, 3. Kaftan: Stefanie Pietsch (PR gift, thanks!), 5th candle: Always fits, 6: Arizona sandals with fur: Birkenstock

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