People still have a lot to learn from the way these birds dance – Nature – Travel
Anyone who thinks that only people can dance is mistaken. Birds perform beautiful dances to court each other, show their strong bond or show their strength. Enjoy the dances of these ten birds.
Anyone who thinks that only people can dance is mistaken. Birds perform beautiful dances to court each other, show their strong bond or show their strength. Audubon Society selected ten bird species that perform the very special dances.
The Moon Walk of the Yellow Pants Manakin
Magnificent cannonbird
Costas Hummingbird
Blaufeige Ghent
Canadian crane
Winch-tailed widafinch
Tailtail chicken
Fan chicken
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Anyone who thinks that only people can dance is mistaken. Birds perform beautiful dances to court each other, show their strong bond or show their strength. The Audubon Society selected ten bird species to perform the very special dances. LaysanalbatrosS The Moonwalk of the Yellow HosemanakinMagnificent Rifle Bird Costa HummingbirdBluefoot gentFuutCanadian Crane I Lierstaartwidavink SpinetailBar