My Good Mood Maker for Spring: 4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint
Right now we can use all the cheers. I succeed in including mindfulness rituals such as breathing exercises in everyday life or by thinking about carefree times. A special smell can play an important role in this.
With lychees I connect many beautiful moments in my youth. We used to always eat vanilla ice cream with lychees on my cousin’s birthday and wonder about the exotic fruits because they tasted so different from what we knew. Sweet, but somehow also sour, eerily juicy, but at the same time crunchy. What I still like: mint tea. I know exactly when I first tried a tea with fresh peppermint. I loved both the taste and the refreshing smell, a sky-wide difference from the usual peppermint tea in the bag.
For me, beautiful memories and relaxing moments never dry up the sources from which I draw new strength. Especially now, in times of Stay Home and Social Distancing.
This is matched by a fragrance I would like to introduce: 4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint. For the new fragrance of 4711 Acqua Colonia, two aromas have been added: lychee and white peppermint. Yes, read it right. The contrast between an essential oil and exotic sweetness sounds more than unusual, but proves how creatively the traditional Cologne company was conceived. 4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint appeals to our senses to take on something new – and thus meet the zeitgeist.
The Eau de Cologne Spray was created by Nathalie Gracia-Cetto. In a Interview the well-known perfumer said, “Any raw material, whether natural or synthetic, may prove interesting in a composition.” The inspiration for her fragrance creations: “Photos, art, events, in one word: life!” This thought immediately dragged me along, because we’re all missing it the most at the moment.
Nathalie Gracia-Cetto created a unisex fragrance that is fruity-fresh to match spring, where the white peppermint smells milder than the normal mint and I find the lychee aroma as a subtle, sweet touch. Especially the label in combination with the hexagonal Molanus bottle makes me feel good, because I love, love, love Coral. For me, this tone between orange and pink is the summer color par excellence.
The new fragrance 4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint not only exudes optimism for me, but also raises hopes of carefree summer days. Oh, the way I’m looking forward to it now!
Fittingly, I have a tip on how to order perfume. Sillage is the smell trail that someone leaves behind after passing. That’s why I like to spray perfume on the skirt. If the fabric swings back and forth as I walk, Hopefully I can put a smile on other people’s faces.
PS: In connection with the 4711 use ritual, I would like to point out this detail once again: With 4711 Real Cologne Water you not only refresh super body and mind in between, but also disinfect your hands on the road, if there is no soap and water on hand. The coronavirus sticks to the skin with its thick shell. The alcohol in 4711 dissolves the outer layer and the virus dies, SWR3 Reported.
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