Kendall Jenner: She suffers from anxiety and is mentally ill
Coronavirus is at the heart of all discussions and concerns. Kendall Jenner has another priority: mental health! It shows that she suffers from anxiety and is committed to ensuring that mental illnesses are not forgotten…
It’s in the show. Good Morning America, with presenter Michael Strahan, whom Kendall Jenner confessed. During Mental Health Awareness Month (which was celebrated in the United States in May), the 24-year-old supermodel revealed that she has suffered from anxiety since childhood. She recounted her first memory of the disorder: “I was really, really young and I remember feeling like I couldn’t breathe, went to my mom’s house [Kris Jenner, NDLR] and said, ‘Mom, I feel like I can’t breathe anymore. There’s something wrong.’ And of course she took me to see several doctors to make sure I was okay, and I was fine.“
“I was never told that I was suffering from anxiety. Maybe three or four years ago it came back completely, I had crazy panic attacks and I finally got the right information I needed” she adds. In the past, Kendall Jenner has said that her anxiety has worsened because of her notoriety, the media coverage she is subjected to, and the harassment she has experienced. That’s one of the reasons for his timid figuration on the reality show The Incredible Kardashian Family.
In recent years, many celebrities have reported that they suffer from mental and permissible disorders and are paying more attention. Kendall Jenner continues her efforts by working with The Mental Health Coalition.