Here’s the delicious recipe for flourless chocolate fondant
You wanted to start a confectionery business, but the essential ingredient, flour, is nowhere to be found? Here’s the recipe for you.
Since the announcement of containment measures, some products are missing more than others in our supermarkets. This applies to flour, a product that has become indispensable in these long weeks, which are limited to home. Many have rediscovered the pleasure of baking their own homemade bread or daring to indulge in new pastry trips.
Read also – Here’s the bread recipe that’s all the rage on the web
Don’t panic if you can’t find flour, this simple utra recipe for flourless chocolate fondant will delight the most difficult palates.
Flourless chocolate fondant recipe (for 6 people)
- 4 eggs
- 120g caster sugar
- 100g sweet butter
- 200g dark chocolate
- First preheat your oven to 180oC.
- Cut the butter and chocolate into pieces and melt in a saucepan, double kettle or microwave.
- Mix together for a homogeneous mixture and allow to cool for a few minutes.
- Meanwhile, stir the eggs with the sugar in a bowl. You need to get a white and slightly frothy mixture. If you don’t have an electric whip, you can whip the mixture by hand.
- Pour over the melted butter-chocolate mixture and mix again to make a smooth, smooth dough.
- Pour your dough into a cake tin and bake for 18 to 20 minutes at 180oC.
- Deform your cake and enjoy it flourlesswith a scoop of vanilla ice cream, shredded coconuts, pecans,…