Gamer grandma, the 90-year-old grandmother addicted to gaming
Behind the Youtube channel “Gamer Grandma”, followed by more than 260,000 people, is a 90-year-old Japanese woman who has made playing her passion.
According to an article Paris Match Australia C.H.
Hamako Mori is not a granny like any other. The 90-year-old Japanese man is at the top of a Youtube channel, followed by more than 260,000 fans. She regularly posts videos in which she indulges in her passion: playing. “GTA 5”, “Skyrim”, “Biohazard 3”, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”, “Borderlands 3” … Gamer Grandma, as she calls herself on Youtube, knows her classics and seems to have the slight trigger. She plays regularly on her Playstation 4 and sometimes 7 to 8 hours a day.
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At the beginning of May, she received an award that she had not expected: a record as the oldest gaming youtuber in the world. It began playing video games 39 years ago on an Epoch Cassette Vision, which was released in 1981. « It sounded so much fun, I thought it wasn’t just for kids She says in a video posted on Guinness World Records Youtube. Since founding her channel in December 2014, she has been sharing her gaming sessions about once a week.
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One of his favorite games? GTA 5! « When you start with it, you can’t stop. It feels like watching a movie. The graphics are really amazing She explains it again. Hamako Mori is enjoying her retirement as she sees fit. « I learned to play video games. And I really enjoy life. I say to everyone, “Life is pink.” But I would love other seniors to start playing video games. ».