April First Muse by Sandra Semburg – the perfect summer dress
Now it’s official: I’m a April First Muse. As a reminder, a muse is a person who inspires artists or creatives in their work. It is clear that I am currently very flattered as an Ü40-Mutti from Brandenburg. However, my new self-image reminds me not to reject such compliments, but to accept them. Nevertheless, thank you very much, dear Carolin, for allowing me to make the beginning of this series.
All outfits and a moody questionnaire (in English) Here For those who don’t want to read or click on, there’s another spoiler here: For the muse shoot, I not only took my bra and let nature fall into the spirit of nature, but overcame my freefall, but overcame my “I have too thick thighs”-Complex and stepped out in vegan leather pants.
Dress: Ulla Johnson on April First, Shoes: private
Online: https://www.aprilfirst.de/
Offline: Auguststraße 77, 10117 Berlin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com
Photos: Sandra Semburg
[Transparenz: Kooperation auf Freundschaftsbasis ohne Honorar, Tauschhandel oder Gutschein]