His inescapable fringe bob is there, his wide black glasses too, then comes a striped sweater and… a red jog with white stripes. Anna Wintour jogging? We are in a time of crisis, if you still had any doubts, this is the ultimate proof. A sincere crack or “symbolic” attempt to get closer to her imprisoned readers has not failed to surprise her followers by showing off from her chic Hamptons home.
“We need to talk openly and openly about what fashion is going on, but with just as much importance we have to imagine what comes next.“, she said. The American edition of Vogue has launched a new series of discussions that are accessible to the public with various players in the fashion industry via the Zoom app. “For all the damage we’ve seen, it’s also clear that there’s a chance, she explained on the website Vogue. Everyone we spoke to seemed to agree: fashion needs to change. If we get out of this crisis – what is going to happen – we must come back with one goal: stronger, more thoughtful and more sustainable in what we do.“
Faced with this pandemic, several large companies in the fashion industry have already committed themselves financially: the Kering Group has donated EUR 2 million to several local health organisations in Italy (where several of its brands such as Gucci and Bottega Veneta are located), LVMH has mobilised three of its production sites to produce hydroalcoholic gel, and then distributed it free of charge to French hospitals. Chanel focuses on making masks for hospital staff.