5 tips to avoid being soaked on the way to commuting

Cars and mobility

It will be hot in the next few days. And that says 30oC inevitably means sweating, even more so when you ride a bike. To help you, we’ve listed a few tips so we don’t get to work the way you’re out of the shower.

The golden rule: Hydrating

It seems simple, but you are the greatest good sought after: it is important to drink a lot when engaging in physical activity in high heat. So we can never repeat it enough: drinking water, it’s a matter of survival. Because sweating causes you to lose amounts of water and when the mercury exceeds 25 degrees, you don’t have to wait until you feel thirsty to hydrate. They are therefore advised to drink on average, 2 to 3 sips of temperate water every 15 minutes.

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Focus on the coolest hours

You will not be asked to drive at night, but if you can leave early or return late, choose this option so as not to be overwhelmed by the sun’s rays. Between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. it gets dry and the sweat is almost secured. If you can, Arrange your schedule to drive quietly, one would only know the consultant. In addition, if you are lucky, you will have less traffic on the road.

A shady little corner in a park, for a refreshing mini-break. © Unsplash.

Hiding game with the sun

This is a tip to take with tweezers, because in the city you can’t always freely change sides to find shadows, but keep an eye out and escape from the sun. Before you go, you can ask yourself the right question: What is the best way to avoid this damn sun? Customize your itinerary can avoid getting wet on an appointment. To do this, remember that the more you are surrounded by cars, the more the feeling of heat will win you. So again, run away from traffic if you can. Another tip: When you park your two-wheeler, put it in the shade (the tires are not fans of the heat).

Adapting your efforts

There is no point in rushing away. When the heat hits the city, try to leave early so as not to force too much on the pedal. Especially listen to your body and don’t hurry it. Under 30oC, performance is not the goal, but comfort. So we go quietly while we take small breaks to hydrate.

Read also – What you can (or may not) do on the handlebars of your bike.

Choose your clothes well

If you need to swallow several kilometers on your day, you should technical clothing made of anti-respiratory materials. These eliminate stains faster and give you more comfort for your commute. If not, you prefer light cotton clothing and loose cutBright colors also absorb less heat. For full paraphernalia, wear sunglasses for your safety and avoid being blinded by the sun’s rays. A properly ventilated helmet will also be a plus, and to avoid full-face pollution tips, a protective mask is welcome.

Good way and above all be careful.